5/17/09: Theriault/Goodwin/Reese

Sunday, May 17th @ Worksound (820 SE Alder)
starting at 10 pm:

solo sets from

Doug Theriault
Scott Goodwin
Adam Reese (album release and tour kickoff)

5/11/09: Battle Hymns & Gardens / WIMBC / Neal Morgan

Battle Hymns & Gardens|Why I Must Be Careful|Neal Morgan

Monday, May 11, 2009 at around 9pm or so

232 SW Ankeny

Battle Hymns & Gardens (Reed Wallsmith, alto saxophone; Jonathan
Sielaff, bass clarinet/pedals; Fred Chalenor, upright
bass/electronics; Tim DuRoche, drums), Why I Must Be Careful (the
estimable duo of Seth Brown and John Niekrasz) and Neal Morgan
(drummer/singer/phenomena) offer up a rich evening of sounds and

5/7/09: Derek M. Johnson, Abusive Delay/Branpappy & And

Portland New Music Society Presents:

Derek M. Johnson (Olympia)-cello for the wild at heart
Abusive Delay and Branpappy
*a first time collaboration: electronics, synths, feedback mixer, etc
And-is a rock band which consists of non-rock musicians. Please be kind.
(Scott Brazieal, Drew Adams, Kelvin Pittman)

Thursday May 7th @ 8pm
Free (donations gladly accepted)

1603 NE Alberta St. @ NE 16th
Portland, OR 97211

5/2/09: Hammer of Hathor, Tizio, Comaniche, Ghost to Falco

Tizio (Italy)
Hammer of Hathor
Ghost to Falco

The show is happening this Saturday, May 2nd, at Together Gallery
(2916 NE Alberta, suite A)
Starts at 8pm.