12/2/07: Yamauchi/Dionyso/Jenkins/Gervich

++SUNDAY, December 2nd++
Katsura Yamauchi (soprano and baritone saxophones)
with Arrington de Dionyso (of Old Time Relijun on bass clarinet and
throatsinging), JP Jenkins (guitar), and Asa Gervich (percussion)
232 SE Ankeny, Portland

12/5: Katsura Yamauchi w/ Dionyso, Sielaff & Hannafin

Katsura Yamauchi (soprano and baritone saxophones)
with Arrington de Dionyso (of Old Time Relijun on bass clarinet and
throatsinging), Jonathan Sielaff (clarinets), and Matt Hannafin
Wednesday, December 5th
at the Funky Church
2456 SE Tamarack Ave, Portland
$5 suggested donation

11/30: Achim Kaufmann/Frank Gratkowski/Wilbert de Joode

November 30th, 2007
Community Music Center (3350 SE Francis St, Portland)
$15/$12/free - public/students/members
8 PM - 2 sets

Achim Kaufmann - piano
Frank Gratkowski - reeds
Wilbert de Joode - bass

This is free for CMG members - so it's a good time to become a member.

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